
Comenius Exchange Student Noora Savola Exploring Life in Portugal

I’m Noora Savola and I’m going to write you about being an exchange student. I’m seventeen years old and I’m from Oulu, Finland. I will be studying in Braga, Portugal for three months. I’ve already been in here for almost two months now, so I have time left about a month.
When I came here, the first thing that was new for me and surprised me was the cheek kisses. On the night when my plane landed here and I met my mentor teacher and my host family, they greeted me with two kisses on the cheeks and it felt so weird at first because in Finland we only shake hands when we meet a new person. While I’ve been here I have also noticed that people in here are more close to each other and make more physical contact to other people. For example, when I’m walking in the street with my friends, they can walk really close to each other or even hold hands.  And in Finland, we always have some space between us while we’re walking and nobody takes so much physical contact to other people. But now I’ve got more used to it and it doesn’t feel that weird anymore. 
The school and the lessons in here aren’t so much different from ones in Finland (except the school doesn’t use heating system and sometimes it can be really cold!).  One of the differences that comes up to my mind is that the teachers in here demand more respect.  I mean that in Finland the teachers and the students are equal and you can doubt what they are saying and discuss about it. Another thing what was new for me is that we don’t get free lunch from school every day and the lunch break is so much longer.  Oh yes! I almost forgot. The schools are so much bigger in here!
I have to say that Portuguese people are very friendly and hospitable. Everybody has been so nice to me and I’ve made many good friends in here. I have enjoyed my time a lot.  I love this country and its people and I hope I will gain more good memories and experiences.


  1. You are very lucky to have the opportunity to live such a wonderful experience in such a beautiful country with such friendly people!!!
    Kiitos for your impressions! Mrs Françoise,Belgium

  2. Hope you make the best of your stay here, and that this experience makes a difference in your personal development! Thanks for your impressions!
    Isabel Barbosa
